Memberships and committees
We have been involved in knowledge transfer in the industry for many years and maintain important contacts. By participating in committees, boards and associations, we are involved in the development of new regulations and promote an intensive exchange of expertise.

AMZ – Netzwerk der Automobilzulieferer Sachsen
Type and content of cooperation: Network Partners
Further information:

BVMW – Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft
Type and content of cooperation: Network Partners
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CAFMET – Comité Africain de Métrologie
Type and content of cooperation: Support for metrological activities in Africa
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DEGA, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e. V.
Type and content of cooperation: Member
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DGFT – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Feinwerktechnik e. V.
Type and content of cooperation: Member
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DIN/VDI-Normenausschuss Akustik, Lärmminderung und Schwingungstechnik
NA 001-01-03 GA Gemeinschaftsarbeitsausschuss NALS/DKE: Schallmessgeräte
NA 001-03-02 AA Schwingungsmesstechnik
NA 001-03-09 AA Messung von Schwingungsimmissionen
Type and content of cooperation: Standardization work
Further information: NALS

DKD Fachausschuss
Type and content of cooperation: General information events of the DKD, standardization work
Further information: Der Deutsche Kalibrierdienst (DKD)

GUS – Gesellschaft für Umweltsimulation e. V.
Type and content of cooperation: Member
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ISO – International Standardisation Organization
Type and content of cooperation: Participation in international standards for calibration
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Silicon Saxony e. V.
Type and content of cooperation: Member
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VDI – Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
Type and content of cooperation: personal VDI member, District Association Dresden, technical unit GMA without own activities.
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VEMASinnovativ – Innovationsverbund Maschinenbau Sachsen
Type and content of cooperation: Member
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VUP – Deutscher Verband Unabhängiger Prüflaboratorien
Type and content of cooperation: Member
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